الأربعاء، 4 مايو 2016

Little Alchemy solution

Little Alchemy Chrome solution

Fire + Dust = Gunpowder
Fire + Plant = Tobacco
Fire + Gunpowder = Explosion

Air + Air = Pressure
Air + Steam = Cloud
Air + Lava = Stone
Air + Pressure = Wind and Atmosphere
Air + Cloud = Sky
Air + Stone = Sand

Sea + Wind = Wave
Sea + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
Sea + Sky = Horizon
Sea + Sand = Beach

Ocean + Wind = Wave
Ocean + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
Ocean + Volcano = Isle
Ocean + Earthquake = Tsunami
Ocean + Sky = Horizon
Ocean + Sand = Beach

Mud + Plant = Swamp
Mud + Sand = Clay

Rain + Rain = Flood

Energy + Wind = Hurricane
Energy + Volcano = Eruption and Ash
Energy + Cloud = Storm
Energy + Swamp = Life

Pressure + Plant = Coal
Pressure + Coal = Diamond

Wind + Sand = Dune 
Wind + Beach = Dune

Dust + Fire = Gunpowder

Plant + Water = Algae
Plant + Fire = Tobacco
Plant + Earth = Grass
Plant + Sea = Seaweed and Algae
Plant + Plant = Garden
Plant + Sand = Cactus
Plant + Grass = Garden

Cloud + Earth = Fog
Cloud + Air = Sky
Cloud + Energy = Storm

Stone + Fire = Metal
Stone + Air = Sand
Stone + Life = Egg
Stone + Metal = Blade

Sky + Fire = Sun
Sky + Life = Bird
Sky + Egg = Bird

Sand + Fire = Glass
Sand + Sand = Desert
Sand + Egg = Turtle
Sand + Glass = Time and Hourglass

Isle + Isle = Archipelago

Swamp + Life = Bacteria
Swamp + Egg = Lizard
Swamp + Lizard = Alligator

Clay + Fire = Pottery and Brick
Clay + Life = Golem

Life + Water = Plankton
Life + Earth = Human

Coal + Metal = Steel
Coal + Time = Diamond

Gunpowder + Fire = Explosion
Gunpowder + Metal = Bullet

Grass + Blade = Scythe
Grass + Scythe = Hay

Metal + Air = Rust
Metal + Steam = Boiler
Metal + Energy = Electricity
Metal + Bird = Airplane
Metal + Blade = Sword
Metal + Glass = Glasses
Metal + Human = Tool
Metal + Explosion = Grenade
Metal + Bullet = Gun
Metal + Electricity = Wire
Metal + Tool = Armor

Egg + Water = Hard Roe
Egg + Fire = Omlette
Egg + Air = Bird

Blade + Gun = Bayonet

Sun + Sea = Salt
Sun + Mud = Brick
Sun + Rain = Rainbow
Sun + Plant = Sunflower
Sun + Time = Day
Sun + Tool = Solar Cell
Sun + Solar Cell = Electricity

Bird + Water = Duck
Bird + Fire = Phoenix
Bird + Human = Angel

Glass + Water = Aquarium
Glass + Plant = Greenhouse
Glass + Electricity = Light Bulb

Time + Rain = Flood
Time + Plant = Tree
Time + Coal = Diamond
Time + Lizard = Dinosaur
Time + Electricity = Clock
Time + Hard Roe = Fish

Lizard + Fire = Dragon

Human + Fire = Fireman
Human + Rain = Cold and Sickness
Human + Brick = House
Human + Dust = Allergy
Human + Plant = Farmer
Human + Blade = Blood
Human + Human = Sex
Human + Electricity = Electrician
Human + Sword = Warrior
Human + Glasses = Nerd
Human + Tool = Engineer
Human + Gun = Corpse
Human + Armor = Knight
Human + Hard Roe = Caviar
Human + Sickness = Sickness and Sickness
Human + House = Family

Steel + Blade = Sword

Explosion + Energy = Atom Bomb
Explosion + Sky = Fireworks

Tool + Earth = Field
Tool + Tree = Wood
Tool + Wood = Wheel
Tool + Boiler = Steam Engine

Wood + Pressure = Paper
Wood + Fire = Charcoal, Smoke, and Campire
Wood + Tobacco = Pipe
Wood + Water = Boat
Wood + Wheel = Cart
Wood + Corpse = Coffin
Wood + Wind = Flute

Wheel + Wheel = Bicycle
Wheel + Metal = Car

Coffin + Earth = Grave

Grave + Grave = Graveyard
Grave + Stone = Gravestone

Corpse + Life = Zombie

Zombie + Electricity = Frankenstein

Life + Forest = Wild Animal

Wild Animal + Wire = Snake
Wild Animal + Human = Livestock and Dog
Wild Animal + Wood = Beaver

Cold + Water = Ice
Cold + Rain = Snow

Ice + Rain = Hail
Ice + Mountain = Iceberg
Ice + Wild Animal = Penguin

Snow + Desert = Antartica
Snow + Storm = Blizzard
Snow + Human = Snowman

Paper + Paper = Newspaper

Blade + Wood = Axe

Tree + Tree = Forest

Farmer + Field = Wheat
Farmer + Tree = Fruit
Farmer + Life = Livestock

Livestock + Grass = Cow
Livestock + House = Barn
Livestock + Bird = Chicken
Livestock + Hay = Horse
Livestock + Mud = Pig

Cow + Tool = Meat
Cow + Farmer = Milk

Fruit + Time = Alcohol
Fruit + Tree = Fruit Tree

Fruit Tree + Fruit Tree = Orchard

Water + Pipe = Water Pipe
Wheat + Stone = Flour

Flour + Water = Dough

Dough + Fire = Bread

Fire + Bread = Toast

Milk + Time = Cheese

Cheese + Sky = Moon

Moon + Human = Astronaut
Moon + Sun = Eclipse
Moon + Time = Night
Moon + Sea = Tides

Night + Day = Twilight
Night + Bird = Owl
Night + Sky = Star

House + Sickness = Hospital
Human + Hospital = Doctor
House + Bird = Birdhouse
House + Wind = Windmill

Clock + Sun = Sundial
Clock + Bird = Cuckoo

Tree + Light bulb = Christmas Tree
Tree + Isle = Palm

Human + Meat = Butcher
Human + Axe = Lumberjack
Human + Bicycle = Cyclist

Knight + Dragon = Hero

Boat + Steam Engine = Steam Boat
Boat + Wind = Sailboat

Steam Engine + Steel = Train

Rainbow + Rainbow = Double Rainbow

Rain + Smoke = Acid Rain

Milk + Ice = Ice Cream

Bread + Cheese = Sandwich

Dough + Fruit = Cookie

Meat + Smoke = Ham

Sunflower + Pressure = Oil

Fish + Electricity = Electric Eel

Horse + Cart = Wagon

Campfire + House = Fireplace

Axe + Electricity = Chainsaw

Sea + Sickness = Seasickness

Light Bulb + Electricity = Light

House + House = Village

Fruit + time = alcohol

Brick + Brick = wall

Human + Wolf = Werwolf

Water + Water = Sea
Water + Sea = Ocean
Water + Fire = Steam
Water + Earth = Mud
Water + Air = Rain

Fire + Earth = Lava
Fire + Air = Energy
Fire + Mud = Brick

Earth + Earth = Pressure
Earth + Air = Dust
Earth + Steam = Geyser
Earth + Rain = Plant
Earth + Plant = Grass
Earth + Lava = Volcano
Earth + Energy = Earthquake
Earth + Earthquake = Mountain

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